Xavier Labelle

Hot tub heating circulation problems

To properly heat and maintain the water in
your hot tub, efficient circulation is needed throughout the system. With
excellent water flow, your spa will heat up quicker and take full advantage of
the equipment inside the tub. Stagnant water allows for bacteria to build up
and contaminate your spa which would require excess chemicals and reduce the
quality of your water. To ensure that your spa maintains its circulation,
follow these tips

  • Is the topside control panel displaying HH or dr? There may be
    an airlock in the system, check out removing an airlock for the remedy
  • Be sure to keep your water level topped up above the
    highest jet to keep your water flowing
  • When filling up your tub with water, try placing your
    hose inside the filter to reduce the chance of air bubbles being created
  • If you notice that you aren’t receiving pressure from a
    specific jet, the jet may be clogged with something. Remove it by twisting it
    counter-clockwise and clear it out
  • A clogged filter can reduce the water circulation,
    be sure to keep them clean and change them every 4-6 months

Efficient water flow is crucial for the
upkeep of your hot tub, and ensures that you receive the best experience from
your spa.

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