Removing an airlock (acrylic spa)
If your hot tub is experiencing circulation issues or is showing either dr or HH, you may have large pockets of air within your heater. This reduces the circulation of the hot tub as water isn’t allowed to properly flow through the heater and is known as an “airlock”. To fix this situation, follow the steps below.
- Turn off your spa breaker/electrics
- Remove the spa panel in front of the Control pack. Follow the plumbing leading from the Control Pack until it reaches the Motor/Pump (this is the pump that controls heating/filter cycles)
- Loosen the highest Union Nut – air will come out, once water starts flowing retighten the Union Nut (see photo).
- Turn everything back on and check your system
To reduce the chances of an airlock in the first place, be sure to fill up your tub by placing the garden hose down the filter compartment. This reduces the chances of air bubbles forming within the system. Also, when your spa is priming itself (Pr is displayed on the control) press the “Jets” button on and off to force any air out of the lines.